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Distinction in MA in Fashion Photography at UAL London College of Fashion

First Class Honours in Fashion Photography at Leeds Arts University

Art Foundation Diploma

A* in Photography A LEVEL

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Ellesha Doubleday is a fashion and fine art photographer, self portrait artist, 3D image artist and digital collage maker from Wigan and is accessible between Manchester and London. 

She is passionate about creating important conversations surrounding taboo topics especially around mental health. Her work spans a range of diverse mediums and tackles topics such as self esteem, depression, suicide, eating disorders and sexual abuse. She now runs workshops for adults in which they can express their feelings, create mindful crafts and socialise with other likeminded people. 

She is also currently being commissioned for The city and the self exhibition at The royal standard Liverpool with Homotopia fest. Her work 'you're so special' explores her past experience with depression and suicide and the contrasting feeling of happiness she feels within herself now. The title relates to the words she heard whilst calling a suicide hotline in a point of crisis and the power it had over her and her recovery. She hopes through making this work she can reiterate that every person has value and is special. 

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