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The caravan of incest 

Dog hair falls from the sky 

Back into my imprisoned memories 

Teeth heavy 

Crystalized perception 

Looking at you but seeing him 

Clarity in your rice crispy eyes 

Deep into that fathered darkness 

Reflections in my tears 

Screaming his name 

I crave the paternal potato 

The lonely strangling 

Only this and dick cheese 

By the grave I saw the mirrors 

Met the ghost of duplications 

He warned me about the zodiacal light 

I was a mouth and you a ham 

We harmonised in mundane serenity 

I kissed the feet of clouds 

The Coupe called my name 


He was home, he came back 

Naive admiration for a life I never lived 

Narcissistic Neverland 

Rippling poetic flatulence 

Worldly embodied spirited eye 

Opens like a bum hole ready to receive 

Irritable bitch syndrome 

Birthed from shyness 

No friends or fans yet 

Her wigan kebab digests the mood 

Eager, mindful, suggestive delicacy 

Obsessed with the picture 

Blonde hair, blue eyes, ingrown toenail 

Looks around to take it in 

She shines from the ceiling 

Chandelier of greatness 

Enchanted beauty of speciality 

A Rare meat 

Emerging from the black 

Enters the pink 

Meditates in the glow 

The room is hers 

The 6ft6 pig 


Charming, sophistication 

Whisk me away in the horse drawn Corsa 

Opens the door to my delight 

Devilish smile, beefy arms

An average penis for your height 

Handcuffs for the lady 

With an inspiration to please 

You hold me and tease me 

Perverted exploitation of naivety

The charm fades to anger 

You choke me whilst I plead 

‘Scream again I’ll do it harder’ you say 

‘Get down on your knees’

The window pane looks so different now 

The cars pass through muffled cries 

The plant you bought watches you assault me 

19 years old with innocent eyes 

My breath surrenders me 

My body is no longer my own 

Held down and made to pleasure 

When I just want to go home 

The drive felt like a lifetime 

No words were exchanged 

You dropped me off and I ran home 

You changed everything 

With the testosterone of the deranged

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